Sunday 31 January 2016

Evaluation of Preliminary Task Emily Willmer- 6193

Evaluation of Preliminary Task
Emily Willmer 6193

The Pre-Production of the task:
Firstly, our group wanted to decide on the genre, the script and the location; after some debate, we decided on a Mafia theme, we already had a rough idea of how the mafia acted and the way they dealt with situations. When deciding upon the script, we made sure we used some vocab such as 'Brothers' and 'heat' because from other films etc this is the language used. Lastly, we decided to film in the Chapel because of the religious side of the Mafia and their culture, we liked this location because it was very dramatic and quiet.

The Production:
Once moving to the Chapel we played with lighting as this made the shot all the more dramatic, we also saw that with the lighting we could draw attention to a focal point. We filmed with the Canon DSLR 650 with a tripod, I filmed the product and the rest of the group helped me to decide where the camera should go and what looked best, which really helped and produced the best product. We made sure to focus on the 180 degree rule, and shot reverse shot as these were two requirements. Also, when we came through the door we made sure to do match on action however this is part of Post- Production. Something I could have improved on when filming were things such as zooming in, and making this seem more elegant because in one part of the Preliminary task I zoomed into Eryk's face but it was not as smooth as i would have liked.

Post Production:
My favorite part of the preliminary task was the Editing, it was great to order the movie and set out the pace; we used final cut pro and it was really interesting to learn how to use and I have learnt many skills from the task, such as the continuity editing. At one part of the film it is too dark, therefore we had to change the exposure and by doing this it wasn't continuous, but we played with it and made sure it was continuous and that makes the task all the more better. We inserted the title and cast etc at the end, i quiet liked having the title 'Toni' at the end as it reminded me of old fashion movies. Lastly, throughout the task we included Church music in the background; it added atmosphere, we also editted the knock into its own audio and made it louder to make it more obvious, and this also went really well.

To conclude the Preliminary task was really good, and I learnt much from all stages of production. I learnt a lot of skills on Final Cut Pro that I will be able to use in later tasks. I also discovered new skills about filming which I really love. Therefore, i think our Preliminary task was successful and I'm really pleased with it, and my group.

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