In our preliminary we only had a short time to plan everything compared to weeks in our thriller. we stuck on one idea and based our idea of 'the godfather' , we had a Mafia thriller idea and planed it from there , it was really basic idea but we build off that. but in our thriller we was unable to get a idea for a while because we just never all loved the same idea. the ideas we was thinking off we was either unable to do or they wast good enough. we stuck on a train station idea for some reason , I dont know why maybe because we was able to do it or that it already has a thriller aspect to it. personally I think our preliminary is better than our thriller because it was a solid idea and if we did that idea we would have a lot better thriller opening because we only had 20 mins to plan and film whereas we had about a month for our thriller.For our preliminary task we had to film a minuet story what included someone open and walking through the door with match on action, then have that character sit down and have a conversation with someone what had to include a least 2 spoken dialogue for each of them. It also had to include the 180° rule and shot reverse shot. Before thing about any of these our group had to think of an Idea to do and where we would film it. The genre was going to be Mafia and the location was going to be the chapel due to the Mafia being religious it would suit it perfectly. Next we were going to need script but it only took 5 minutes before we were ready to go and film. The script was simple enough but with the time we had it would have to do. I ended up joining the group around this stage because it was easier to have 4 groups of 4 than a random 2, this meant they had to write in a role for me but because of how the script was written it meant it was easy to add me in.

As soon as we got to the chapel the first thing we sorted
out was the lighting because we wanted the lighting to create an effect in our
preliminary. We was able to black out the room and make it so the only light
was lighting up the alter and this gave the idea for the first seen of Eryk
praying. After that we wanted to film the match on action and someone walking
through a door scene, we didn’t realise until editing how dark it was but we
was able to sort that out later. We made sure that we included as many of the
thing we needed to included early on so that we wouldn’t have to try a fit them
in later. As we was running out of time we just had to film the last scene of
them talking but it came to be harder than we first thought due to bloopers.
But we were able to finish it on time and get the entire scene we needed done
and we couldn’t wait to edit it. in our thriller we had to get everything done asap because we knew we wasn't allowed to film and if we got told to leave before we finished filming then we would have to change our idea. we got there and started the filming straight away and we filmed it in our of how it would play out. we was thinking about what shots will be good and what wont work. we used natural lighting so that wasnt a problem for us. we made sure we had multiply shot of people walking so we can edit it later and give it some more flow. for both we was able to input the 180 rule and both effectively. we felt that a shot reverse shot was pointless because we had no dialogue so we left it our of our thriller. also both we also focused on rule of thirds.
for our preliminary task we separated into 2 teams and edited it differently but because of the short amount of shots the final product ended up looking the same . whereas in our thriller we all started doing it differently because we had different ways we wanted to go with in and about 2 hours in mine looked the best so we started only focusing on my one , i let them do what they wanted to it and so they all added what there ideas of it into it , the editing was my favourite part of both , it was my only experience on final cut pro but i learned quickly and i improved. in both we was focussing on match on action and i think we was able to pull that off , both we had a shot missing but we was able to fix it and use what we had and make it work.