Thursday, 7 April 2016

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? EVALUATION 3

A media institution is an organisation or company that distributes media products. An Institution that might distribute our media product would be Spy Glass Entertainment, Universal Studios or Summit Entertainment.
 Spy Glass entertainment have distributed Thrillers such as ‘Stay Alive’ and ‘The Sixth Sense’. The Sixth Sense (1999) was distributed by Spy Glass entertainment as well as Hollywood Pictures and Blinding Edge Pictures. I think Spy Glass would be the type of company to produce our media product because in Sixth Sense there are a lot of interesting camera angles, such as behind the wine rack. In our thriller we have an interesting shot through the window of the train in-between our heads, it really looks as if someone is watching/ stalking us. This would intrigue Spy Glass Entertainment as they seem to look for rarer camera shots that are confusing and appealing to the audience.

Universal Studios have produced thrillers such as ‘Fast and Furious 7’ (2015) and ‘Jaws’ (1975), both of these films are really fast paced. I think because we shot on a train, it automatically links to a fast paced movie. Also, 1 minute into the film and we have already taken the boy which really adds to the pace of the movie. Moreover, the music added in the background in editing adds to the tension; almost like the famous incidental music in Jaws which is associated with Thrillers and tension . Therefore, I think Universal Studios would distribute our opening to a Thriller due to the pace and music within the opening.

Finally, Summit Entertainment has distributed ‘Gone’ (2012), it is a movie in which the girl gets taken; but the sister goes looking for her which does not conform to the ‘damsel in distress’ stereotype. So, I think Summit Entertainment would distribute our opening because it is not like every other thriller and it is different.

I think that our movie would be distributed across all media platforms, such as the cinema, Netflix and other online movie websites, and TV. We would do this because it will reach a wider audience and will increase the gross on the film. However, we will ban it from illegal streaming websites because here we will lose the most amount of profit. We could also make a game out of the movie to make an even larger profit, films and TV series such as The Walking Dead and Twilight have done this. Calling the game ‘Station 43’ links to our actual movie, and we would place the characters in the same situations as our own characters throughout the move; giving them tasks and missions to do.

We would market our movie through trailers, billboards, posters, adverts, radio adverts, websites and more. Like, we would have our own website to sell branded things relevant to our movie. On the 007 website we see items for sale, news about premiers and actors and this really keeps the audience in touch with the film and always wanting to know more. I thought that this was a really successful way in which Spectre gained popularity in 2015. I also think trailers are very important for making the audience want to know more, if you do not have a trailer it is hard to grasp what the concept of the movie is and so people do not want to spend their money to go and see it.  I also think putting toys in McDonalds happy meals is a really good way to distribute your film across all age ranges; although, this only works with films that are child friendly and that is not our target audience, perhaps toys could come with adult meals.

I think the thriller would be screened in Regent Street Cinema because of it is old and very atmospheric; it adds to the complete vibe of the thriller. Having people comfy and close to one another definitely adds to the tension. Also, I would screen it during the summer holidays, teenagers are usually looking for a motive during the day and so giving them a movie to watch will draw them in. 

Our production company is AE Studios, we named it this because of Arthur and Aaron- A and Eryk and myself, Emily- E). In the back of the photo is one of Eryk's architectural photography pictures, and so everything was done by us. I think that it looks really clean and polished, and would be appropriate for any genre of film.

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