Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Evaluation 3

Evaluation Question 3

What Kind Of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product And Why?

Spyglass Entertainment

Image result for the sixth sense wine rack shot

Spyglass Entertainment are responsible for one of the greatest films of all times, the sixth sense (1999) which used the most interesting camera shots, movement and angles. I think that this production company would be an ideal candidate for our movie as we used many different angles in our film and showed the action from many different perspective, many places where the camera was hard to position.

The Wine Rack Shot

The sixth sense had an amazing shot from the perspective of a wine rack, putting the action behind the wine rack created the effect that the viewer is spying on the action going on in the scene, his also created the effect of being entrapped behind the construction of the wine rack


UNIVERSAL have created some amazing thrillers such as 'Fast And Furious 7' (2015) and 'Jaws' (1975) which were two blockbuster films, no surprise as this company is a Hollywood based company and have been in the market for many years. This production company would not be a suitable company o produce our film as most of their films are action packed and use much more stylized locations, whereas our group used location shots and we film the less beautiful side of things compared to Hollywood views.

Fast And Furious 7

Fast And Furious 7 is a mixture of Action, Crime and Thriller. Our thriller opening has some similar aspects as Fast And Furious 7, with there being crime and action involved with the kidnapping of (The boyfriend) and the aspect of mystery with why he got kidnapped and (The Girlfriend) not knowing what happened to him.  The difference between our thriller opening and Fast And Furious 7 is the distinct lack of Vista Shots in our opening sequence, whereas F&F7 use quite a number of Vista Shots to establish the location in which they are in.

(Abu Dhabi Desert Shot)

(Skyscraper Shot)

(Los Angeles Shot)

Our only comparable shot was our establishing shot where we framed the two characters in the centre of the frame and kept the camera there for some time to establish the location of the film/shot.

(Ealing Broadway Station Shot)

This is still however not a kind of shot that we can call a Vista Shot / Long Shot as it looks very cramped with both the trains on either side. If we had the opportunity and equipment to do so, we would have the shot much higher up, a shot taken from a a higher up building or a crane for example, but with the camera not moving, so that it doesn't look like a Crane Shot.

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