Tuesday 9 February 2016

Audience Research- FDA

The FDA, Film Distributors' Association

On the 15th of January Breakdown (Malachi, 2016) came out, it's a 15  and has been given some negative audience feedback. Two main film websites, IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes gave the film some bad reviews and low ratings. This tells us that perhaps Thrillers are becoming less popular as they're being over done, or are too extreme.

However, The Revenant (Gonzalez Inarritu, 2016) is completely different and is very popular it's an age 15 and had a budget of £135,000,000 and has so far made $149,543,198 in America. It also has received many good critical views, which contrasts with Breakdown and shows us that audiences still want to see Thrillers.

On the 3rd March, London has Fallen is coming out and this is a widely anticipated movie with the age certificate of 12 it is expected to have a wider audience. The trailer for this is ishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQhX4JxGHtw .

Therefore we can see that our target audience is more teenagers, and that Thrillers are still popular however it greatly depends on the pace, and the type of action. Many thought Breakdown was very slow and didn't have the right type of action, whereas the other two movies are expected and are brilliantly done.

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