Monday 29 February 2016

Response to Audience Feedback

From our rough idea that we pitched to the group, I think that we got some very positive feedback. The audience seemed to really like the idea and it appealed to them, this is good as we want to aim our movie at teenagers and some of the feedback was accurate to what we wanted to know.

Things that we were not sure of such as the title we were able to here back from, and Station 43 as a title was liked. However, the audience alerted us that it will be hard to get an almost empty train and they also made us aware that we will have to travel back and forth on the train which is very time consuming. These are some of the things we must think about when filming, and perhaps we may have to change the setting. 

Also, we were struggling as a group to think of an ending. The audience said that it should end on a cliffhanger rather than a fight scene and so this is something else that as a group we must think of. One of the audiences idea was the scene to finish with a hand on the boys shoulder, this will create a cliff hanger and a mysterious vibe about the movie making people wanting more.

All in all, the audience feedback was really helpful and we were able to gain new ideas and new thoughts into the development of our opening and hopefully now we will be able to make an opening that is appealing and something that our target audience wants to see.

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